Almost a month down!

So I have been working on the girl on the swing picture this week, despite Sabrina’s vote for the “sparkle horse”. I didn’t see the note till late and had already pulled out the necessities for the first picture. It is coming along nicely despite being a lot of small detail work. I thought I would take a picture at the end of every session so that I could see its progression a bit better.

So, despite that fact that my photography skills aren’t all to brilliant I have to say I enjoy seeing it in steps. I have a few other projects going, including a chemo robe for a friend that, well honestly I am struggling with due to the fact that I never learned to properly read a sewing pattern. It is coming along though, just not as swiftly as I would like it to. Knitting wise I also have a few projects going. I saw Lincoln ( and The Impossible ( yesterday afternoon which gave me a ton of time to work on them. Both movies were excellent, and I have to say if I didn’t know Daniel Day-Lewis was in Lincoln I never would have known. The man is shear brilliance and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he received an oscar for his performance or if the movie it’s self wins overall. The Impossible was by far the more gut wrenching movie for me. My mother and I disputed it for a while before we agreed to disagree. Naomi Watts gave what I can only describe as an emotionally saturated, horrific, and amazing performance as a mother whose family is torn apart by the tsunami in 2004. It is a true story and I don’t want to ruin it for anyone so I will simply say go and see it- any movie that can make me want to cry, vomit, and illicit other emotions from me is well worth your $6.00. Unless you have a weak stomach,then I must warn you there are some rough scenes, some of which are apparently real footage from the actual devastation others just extremely well done by a make-up and effects department. Disappointingly I can’t put up any photos of what I am working on while watching movies because they are all gifts- I swear everyone I know is getting married or having a baby this year. I’m not sure who all reads this but, I don’t want any early surprises about the gifts so it’s just better if I don’t put up any photos at all. Sorry, and I promise as I give them away I will post photos for all to see!

The craft room challenge

So, I had originally started to write a blog about movies. One of my favorite things in life, but, often I would leave the theater and not know what to write other than- “the Hobbit, brilliant but better in 2d or Life of Pi- absolutely astonishing”. Some reviewer I turned out to be.
But yesterday while my family and friends were all enjoying the holiday I was arriving at a horrible conclusion about my life. I am in my 30’s with an awful job, no future job prospects despite my education and lots of work experience, and single. So while every other person I know (at least it seems like) was getting engaged or announcing a pregnancy I was at home being reminded of how utterly worthless I truely am. Despite my large home that I love, 2 dogs that I claim to hate, 2 paid off vehicles, and my horse Klondike I was utterly depressed with my life. So having sat down with a very tasty glass of warm rum cider and one of my favorite movies- Julie & Julia I decided that like Amy Adams’

character I also need something to keep me focused through this coming year. I thought for a while before realizing that the answer lied in the disaster I call a craft room. Within its’ walls lie countless started projects withering away in various states finishedness. Quilts, sweaters, needlework, scrapbooks, you name it and there it is. I have decided to finish these poor lost projects even if they are items I no longer find appealing- yes, sweater I started when I was skinnier and still marginally attractive I’m speaking of you. I will of course keep all (if any) readers up to date with pictures. Please also keep in mind that if you see something you find appealing make me an offer- there is a good chance it could become yours.

For years I have dreamed of having my very own fibrous, sparkly, ecclectic craft store where I could enjoy my work and teach others for a living and who knows maybe this could be the road that leads to my dream… So please share it out and help me stay motivated to finish all these things!