Bit of a slow week this time a round. I have had bronchitis and while I thought I would get a good bit of work done I really didn’t. I had especially hoped to have finished the scandanavian heart tree. No such luck though I only got the blues started on it.
I do have intentions of finishing it by the time I go back to work on Monday. I have to say putting the blue in has been a real treat. It has been such a simple pattern but so enjoyable to stitch. Usually simpler designs bore me and the finished project isn’t something I would normally keep. While this one is for sale it will be welcome to stay in my home till it finds a new one.
Last week I went to a matinee showing of Promised Land, , with Matt Damon and Jon Krasinski. I don’t really care for Mr. Damon, I always think of that crazy animated version of him in Team America, but he was excellent in this film. I don’t watch the Office either so Mr. Krasinski was new to me but, he was also outstanding. While I let the movie confirm my views on natural gas drilling and large corporations I whipped out a soft, fluffy, and warm, dare I forget warm, mohair scarf. Hand dyed at a local farm it had caught my eye for another project, what exactly I don’t remember so it seemed logical to turn it into a scarf.
The movie was longer than I expected so I managed to finish it up right when the punchy twist was hitting the screen. I hate to say “spoiler alert” so I’ll just tell you to go see it, you might learn something and not even realize it!
I did manage to start a new black/white/grey boucle number earlier today when I went to see Ganster Squad, But I didn’t get to far, somewhere between Ryan Gosling being the unruly yet debonaire hero with a gun and the excessive shooting and explosions I got lost. This one I won’t tell you to go see unless you’re looking for something mind- numbing. Oh, and if you don’t get the Shylock comment you might want to pick up a book and learn to read.