Here at ARWZ, we are actively searching for new voices to lend their opinions and perspectives to our online community through our blogs and forums. While the forums are perhaps the easiest way to express your thoughts on ARWZ, we are pleased to provide a platform for blogging on ARWZ.
We are currently seeking contributors for our main ARWZ Blog. This blog is a compendium of articles from multiple reviewers and contributors featured at the forefront of the magazine. The only prerequisite for becoming a contributor to the ARWZ blog is a desire to share you ideas with other SFF fans. The ARWZ Blog is a place for our contributors to share reviews of SFF media, editorial commentary on SFF topics, as well as other non-fiction articles relevant to our main audience. We are open to any sort of blog entry, as long as it addresses some commercially available media (books, movies, shows, etc.) or public event in the realm of alternative reality genres. There is no minimum quota for posting articles, contributors may simply post at their leisure, and ARWZ is pleased to offer contributor credit in return with a stable link to your own website.
For those bloggers wishing to keep a more personal, or journal-style weblog, we also offer individual blogs as part of the ARWZ-hosted blogging system. Keep a writers journal, post daily thoughts, poetry or fiction, blog about your own interests and hobbies. Anything goes! ARWZ is pleased to provide you with a fully functional blog with a bunch of popular features, customizable layout and colors, your own RSS feed. Don't get lost in the crowd on a huge blogging site; on ARWZ you get a blog that is at once fully your own, and at the same time tied into a close-knit community of people who share your interest in SFF genres. Your public blog entries will be featured on our webzine in our main Blog Stream, so your blog will have every opportunity to earn new readers and keep old ones coming back.
Who might want to blog on ARWZ? Well, if you're a science fiction, fantasy or horror fan, you'll be right at home on ARWZ. We also have an active sub-community of writers, both aspiring and published. If this is the sort of audience you envision for your blog, then you will be in excellent company here.
What do people blog about on ARWZ? The short answer is simple�anything you might dream up. You could talk about movies, books or gaming. Post your own reviews of new SFF fiction. Keep a journal about your latest creative endeavors, chat about writing, share helpful scene-starters. Post quotations or entertainment news and share your thoughts and opinions. If you're an author, or in the writing or creative business, then you could blog to keep fans updated on your projects or to share insights from your creative process. Tell us about your interests, hobbies and passions.
How to get started. If you're ready to get started blogging on ARWZ, please email us at [email protected]. Address your email to the attention of Violet Kane, and we'll be happy to get you started.
Please contact our webmaster with any further questions.