Top Ten Speculative Fiction Authors of All Time. Reprint
As many long time members will recall, back in 2001, ARWZ membership undertook the ambitious project of collectively compiling Top Ten lists of our favorite authors in speculative fiction.
The Top Ten lists challenged ARWZ members to consider who we look to as the masters of our favorite genres. We voted by composing our own ranked Top Ten lists and the final list was tabulated from their weighted rankings. Were our methods scientific? Probably not, but the lists were an entertaining and challenging way to put the minds of ARWZ together toward one goal.
To celebrate the advent of ARWZ Literary Zine, we have decided to reprint these lists for new readers to appreciate (or argue with). Below you will find our list of the Top Ten Speculative Fiction Authors of All Time, originally compiled in August 2001. If you would like to comment on this list, please feel free to join the discussion on our forums, or to send us a Letter to the Editor with your comments. If you would like to participate in our latest Top Ten List, to be published on ARWZ Literary Zine in a future feature article, please visit the official ARWZ Top 10 page to see what we're woking on next.
Top Ten Speculative Fiction Authors of All Time
1. J R R Tolkien
2. Isaac Asimov
3. J K Rowling
4. Robert A Heinlein
4. George R R Martin
4. Terry Goodkind
7. Robert Jordan
8. C S Lewis
9. Arthur C Clarke
9. Terry Pratchett
And just in case you're curious:
11. Ray Bradbury
12. Roger Zelazny
13. Stephen King
13. Frank Herbert
15. Douglas Adams
16. David Eddings
16. Brian Jacques
18. Ursula K Le Guin
18. C S Freidman
20. Piers Anthony