S&S; Best of Pittsburgh
Welcome to the voting booth for the first annual Best of Pittsburgh survey hosted by—who else?—Sarah and Sabrina. What makes this "Best of Pittsburgh" different from every other "Best of" in Pittsburgh? Well, us, of course—that is, this survey covers categories that we care about, and that you care about (and just when you thought we hadn't given you nearly enough opportunities to introduce new categories, be sure to include your category suggestion for next year in the final blank).
And so, without further ado, here is the official S&S; Best of Pittsburgh ballot. Select the best possible answer for each question, and try not to cheat—if you do, you'll get an F.
The ballot for our 2007 annual survey will remain open until November 30, 2007. Commentary boxes are provided for each answer choice, but commentary is optional. Please be advised, any commentary you provide may be quoted in the final results article. The quotations will be credited to the name, pseudonym or handle you provide at the opening of the survey. Please vote for only ONE item for each question. If you find that you simply can't pick one, you're welcome to go to the trouble of filling out the ballot a second time, provided you give different answers for any categories in which you vote. If you fill out multiple ballots voting for the same item(s) more than once, we'll discount all of your votes (this is the Internet; technology will rat on you, trust us). If you have any questions please write to Sarah at [email protected].
S&S; Best of Pittsburgh 2007 Ballot