Alternative Reality Caf� Use this forum for all discussions related to alternative reality fiction, as well as any type of discussion about books, authors, film and other media. Also, feel free to start any off-topic discussions in this forum; we welcome general chat about anything that's on your mind!
Writers' Zone In this forum, you with find a discussion of the various demands and problems of writing alternative reality fiction, from pacing to point of view, constructing setting and scene, juggling character, plot, grammar and style, business of writing and the writers� life.
Workshop FAQ & Rules If you're interested in joining our workshop please come here first to read our Workshop Introduction FAQ and find out how to get started. Also, if you have a question about how our workshop operates, please ask it here.
Submissions Please post all submissions first into the above forum. Once they are posted, they will be reviewed by the webmaster or a moderator. When approved they will be moved into the Workshop forum and opened for critique.
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Writing Exercises and Scene Starters Looking for something to break that writers' block? Have a creative exercise that always works for you? In this forum, you'll find creative suggestions for writing exercises geared to speculative fiction writers, as well as all kinds of great ideas for finding inspiration.
The Marketplace The Marketplace on ARWZ invites authors, publishers and other promoters of alternative reality fiction to post information on upcoming events, releases and new markets.
FAQ & Online Help Please use this forum to ask questions about ARWZ Magazine, including submission procedures. Also, in this forum, you will find Frequently Asked Questions on how to use the message forums. If your question or suggestion is not already posted, please feel free to start a new topic.
Research Q&A; Researching medieval life, technological theories, witchcraft or world history for your newest project? If you're stuck on a research question, throw it out on our Research Q & A Forum. Our visitors here at ARWZ might just be able to answer it.
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ARWZ Approved! Why buy a book or DVD based on one review when you could take the advice of the entire ARWZ Community? Check out our archive of books and films approved, or panned, by the regulars at ARWZ.
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Alternative Reality Web Zine: ISSN# 1559-3037
All materials on these pages (including fiction, poetry, essays, articles, interviews and opinion pieces) are copyrighted to the original authors and may not be reproduced without permission.